Monday, May 14, 2007

Machu Picchu


Josh and Leslie said...

That place is seriously amazing! Josh would LOVE to go there some day!! Miss you...

Left to Write said...

Wow, I can't believe you were actually there in person. What a cool place! Was this pre- or post- doctor? You look fantastic!

Michael said...

Beautiful. Breathtaking.

Yo-Yo Ma's "Mountains Are Far Away" from Silk Roads Journeys: Beyond The Horizon album.

Thank you for sharing.

Shannon said...

Beautiful pictures. How neat that you got to go there. I'm so glad Heather was feeling better so she got to see that.

Dani said...

Not that anyone looks at this blog anymore, but why is it that Heather can be vomiting her brains out and still look like a rockstar at Machu Picchu, meanwhile, I look like death? Why, people? Why?